How to create portfolio and how it is helpful?

Nitin Lalwani
2 min readJul 23, 2020

You must have spent a lot of your valuable time polishing your abilities in a small website AKA portfolio.

First, you need to determine what type of portfolio is best suited for your needs:

  1. Student Portfolio
  2. Project Portfolio
  3. Professional Portfolio
  4. Personal Portfolio

Now, Let see what exactly includes in each portfolio.

1. Student Portfolio:

As a student having a portfolio is very useful in an academic settings; demonstrates your knowledge attained in a given class or throughout your school career. This portfolio can be very helpful if you are planning for higher education(i.e beyond the undergraduate level).

2. Project Portfolio:

Project portfolio is also useful in academic and professional setting; shows the efforts or steps taken to complete a specific project or independent study.

For example, if you have the experience of producing a school play, you would create a portfolio that incorporated the materials and research that was involved. If you wanted to apply for a grant in order to do another play then you could use your portfolio as a form of proof that you did a good job and would be a prime candidate to receive the requested grant.

3. Professional Portfolio:

In a professional setting; demonstrates your skills, background, accomplishments and experiences. This portfolio is versatile and can be arranged for a specific position.

4. Personal Portfolio:

Personal Portfolio is your collection or a scrapbook of things that you are interested in. This portfolio could be used as a stepping block towards understanding who you are and where you would like to be in the future.

Important Note (FYI):

These are some basic points that you should always consider while creating a portfolio.

  • Looks professional and accurately reflects your skills
  • self-explanatory if possible
  • Is should be easy to update and view
  • Supports information presented in your resume
  • Is specific and occupationally focused

Hope the it helps.

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Nitin Lalwani

I don’t like to read but I like to write and listen. I am pursuing a business analyst program and wanted to share my learning and experience for the betterment.